Dietary That Control Diabetes! See Which Dietary That Reverse Type 2 Diabetes And Help To Avoid Diabetes Complications.

Read The REAL TRUTH...
About Diabetes! Find Out How You Can Naturally Improve Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes so You Can Live A Better Life!
About Diabetes! Find Out How You Can Naturally Improve Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes so You Can Live A Better Life!
Taking care of yourself when you have diabetes takes effort.Using dietary approach makes a big difference, because it can help you avoid major problems throughout your body, even in places you might not expect.
Note:Your diabetes medications may bring down your sugar level but will do nothing about preventing these diabetes complications like, Hypertension,Nerve damage, Heart disease, Kidney disease, Vision problem etc
Now take some minutes and read through this letter. Information is power, and can be more powerful than medicine at times because right now you will discover:
i. The reason why your medicine is failing,
ii. The reason why you keep on adding different disease to the existing ones in spite of intensive medication,
iii. The reason why you’ve been changing from one conventional measures to a higher one.
these I will show you, not in words of mouth, but pure results of
researches conducted by international experts in the field of science.
You will also see what Nobel prize winners and physicians are saying
concerning diabetes and diabetes treatments.
But first why am I here?
here because of you. This avenue gives me access to a lot of people
that need my help. As you will soon discover, there are more
than 7 million people living with diabetes in Nigeria.
best way I know I can reach and help meet the need of these diabetics
that can not be reached in my locality is the internet. Even in my
offline base, I discovered some people are so shy that they prefer to
die with their problem than to disclose it to people.
Good enough, internet is faceless. It conceals your identity while you get your problem solved.
If you are tired of being lied to and are ready to finally learn the truth about this disease and find out how tens
of thousands of type 2 diabetics completely reversed their diabetes,
normalized their blood sugar and were taken off all conventional
measures and injections, then read on.
The Root Cause of Diabetes:
might be hard to believe, but when you prick your finger with a meter
and see a blood sugar reading of let's say 250, it's NOT because you
have diabetes! Some people can walk around with blood sugar as high as
300 without having diabetes. How is this possible? It all comes down to a
single word:INFLAMMATION.
wondered why diabetics have such high rates of heart disease, heart
attacks, cancer, high cholesterol, blindness, arthritis, and neuropathy Inflammation.
recently; February 2015, Scientists and researchers at the University
of California San Diego proved that type 2 diabetes is caused by
inflammation: they discovered that an inflammatory molecule called LTB4
causes endocrine resistance. And what does endocrine resistance lead to?
high blood sugar and diabetes.
is the reason why treating your blood sugar with conventional measure
and injecting endocrine to combat endocrine sensitivity will never heal
your diabetes; because you aren't treating the root cause of diabetes,
just the symptoms of it.
Orthodox Measures Treat Symptoms, Not Disease
Let's compare how we treat diabetes to how we treat the cold or flu.
What are the symptoms of the flu? Fever and congestion.
What are the symptoms of the flu? Fever and congestion.
is the cause of the flu itself? A virus. If we treat the symptoms of
the flu - bring down fever, take some decongestants, will that cure the
flu? No. It
will make you feel better, but it will not in any way make the flu
better because we haven't actually treated the flu itself. We simply
treated the SYMPTOMS. You are still sick with the flu, but now you feel a
bit better. Or another example. Let's say you broke your leg. What are
the symptoms? Bleeding and lots of pain. If you take pain killers and
wrap your leg in a bandage to stop the bleeding, have you fixed your
broken leg? No, you simply treated the symptoms.
You still have a problem - the broken leg. So how does this compare to diabetes? Exactly the same. What are the symptoms of diabetes? High blood sugar and endocrine resistance. What do doctors prescribe? Pills to lower blood sugar and endocrine to help with endocrine resistance. Have you actually done anything to treat diabetes itself? No.
You have simply treated the SYMPTOMS of it. So again, you are still sick, you still have a problem, but now you feel a little better
Now Let’s Go To The Researches…
Warning: Dangerous Diabetes Orthodox Measures Don’t Work Scientists have already proved it.
large-scale study at Duke University School of Medicine and published
in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that despite serious risks
and dangerous side effects, diabetes measure don’t live up to their
Duke researchers found that the combination of the blood-pressure measures and the anti-diabetes measures failed to reduce risk of heart attack at all.
Furthermore, according to the researchers, practically all anti-diabetic measures result in weight gain and eventual total dependency upon endocrine injections.
Lead researcher Robert Califf of the Duke study said, “This is a sobering confirmation of the need to focus on lifestyle improvements.“
Also, results from the 2010 randomized ACCORD CLINICAL STUDY (a large study funded by US government) confirmed the danger of blood sugar lowering measures:
Researchers examined the risks for heart attack, stroke, and death in 10,000 diabetic patients. Those who reduced their blood sugar levels the most (to 6.0% A1C or lower-considered “great” by doctors) had a HIGHER risk of cardiovascular death and heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes.
blood sugar levels dropped, there were more heart attacks, and more
patients died. In fact, the study had to be canceled to protect the
remaining participants. That’s right, they stopped the study 18 months
early because it was killing too many people!
the World at large continues to pay billions of dollars annually for
this types of care for diabetes, despite clear evidence that nature works better than medications.
Please listen carefully:
Glucose lowering measures kill more Type 2 patients than those who don’t take them at all. Just look at this…
A prominent study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine found
that Conventional Measures increases a patient’s risk of heart attack
by 43% and death by a whopping 64% compared to patients not on the
This means that NOT taking Conventional Measures actually IMPROVES a Type 2 patient’s chance of survival by more than 200%!
It’s time to stop poisoning yourself! It’s time to kick Diabetes out of your life.
Before i go further, let me show you a few of the many testimonials past users have sent to us
So now that you have read the different testimonials about this therapy, so what then is it?
It's time to stop poisoning yourself!
It's time to kick Diabetes out of your life!
That Is Why Am INTRODUCING You To The Nature Made Diabetes Therapy.
This natural therapy offers a 100% natural, safe, and powerful treatment that eliminates the ROOT cause of your Diabetes.
nothing like this that exists anywhere else-on or off the web – and I’m
honored for the opportunity to share it with you.
pioneering remedy is the outcome of countless studies conducted over
the past three decades by teams of internationally-respected scientists
and diabetes’ specialists, including Prof. John Mash of Corneil
University, NYC. As a result, thousands of people who were in your EXACT
same situation are now living symptom-free.
Decide TODAY To Get OFF Your Orthodox Measures For Good!
This therapy will
also give you healthy cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure
naturally. So not only will you rid off your blood sugar, you’ll drop
your risk of heart disease and stroke as well! Tinkering with blood
pressure and cholesterol in a patient who already has dysfunctional
blood sugar is ineffective and dangerous. And all these studies prove
it. Unfortunately , patients will keep dying until they heal diabetes at
the most fundamental level.
of my big client a medical doctor said and quote ” Emmanuel, your
product may not bring permanent cure to diabetes but as a medical
doctor, I have discovered that your product is the best approach for
managing diabetes because with your product I can save my patients from
diabetes complications which our conventional measures cannot do”. This is what a medical doctor told me. He is one of my major customers.
Warning: If
you are diabetic and you want to save yourself from diabetes
complications like, Amputation, Heart disease, Kidney disease, Eye
problem and Erectile Dysfunction etc. make these product part of your
diet. Your diabetes measures can bring down your sugar level down but
will do nothing about preventing these problems.
NOTE: These supplements have No Side Effects. No chemical components at
all Moreover, these products have the prestigious Kosher Seal (which
makes it acceptable to the Jews. The Jews don’t take anything that isn’t
100% natural. In fact, they don’t even take bread with yeast! They
believe in no additives. It also has other seals including the Halal and
Islamic seals. (These are Seals of highest form of purity including our
own NAFDAC in Nigeria)
“Okay, I’m Convinced! But How Much is This Going To Cost Me To Get Delivered to me at my doorstep?”
you ever taken time to think about it?… if you finally grab this Most
Effective, result oriented Natural Supplement therapy and you are
finally able to……live without your measures over time…
want you to consider the value of what you are getting. It will save
you lots of time and efforts and will finally put a smile on your face.
I have spent a huge amount of time and money when I was researching to get you everything you need PLUS my personal experience…
That is why I’m giving you this nutritional pack at a heavily discounted Price…
good thing about this product is that, by taking this product you have
shut your door against diabetes complications. The conventional measures
can bring down your sugar level but it will do nothing in preventing
the complication, that is why you should see this product as a must to
The Diabetes Health Pack will
be delivered to your choice address and you will pay our courier
servicemen upon delivery. We can Deliver to Your OFFICE or HOUSE
Order Your Pack Now! And Enjoy Our Free Delivery Service
is power, so well done for reading up to this point. The most important
step however begins now because information is only of value if you
act on it. I look forward to hearing your Diabetes Health Pack success story. Start fortifying your system and it will reward you sound health.
Diabetes Health Coach